
The English translation is provided after the Japanese text.





なので、自分がファッションとは?と聞かれて答えるのはアイデンティティと忍耐のふたつかなと思いました! 異論は認めます!笑
今月の一曲:G-DRAGON「’무제(無題)(Untitled, 2014)’」「POWER」
最後にですね、ファッションといえばな曲を紹介して第2弾を締めたいと思います。2曲紹介しますが、MVの服装がとてもとてもMy Typeなのでぜひぜひ観てくださいませ。
これからも自分は型に縛られず、伸び伸びとファッションを楽しみたいと思います。みなさんも毎日着る服たちなので、せっかく着るなら、どうせ着るなら楽しみながらどうですか?^ ^
今回も最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました。次回もお楽しみに! Peace
About “MASHIHO’s ‘What’s in My Head?'”
MASHIHO, a solo artist who is active not only in Japan but also expanding his activities overseas. This series, “MASHIHO’s ‘What’s in My Head?'”, gives us a glimpse into his personal life and thoughts behind his captivating music and performances on stage.
MASHIHO shares why fashion is such an essential part of who he is
Alright, let’s get started.
This is the second installment of the series.
The theme this time is “fashion”.
I’d like to share why fashion is such an essential part of who I am, MASHIHO.
I started getting into fashion relatively late—when I entered high school.
Until then, I would occasionally pick out my own outfits, but most of the time, my mom chose my clothes for me.
The reason I got into fashion in high school was that I made a friend who loved fashion.
Thanks to that friend, my interest in fashion skyrocketed, and I became completely hooked.
Since I had been dancing since I was five, I initially preferred streetwear. However, my friend often wore more modern or non-street styles, and I remember learning so much from them.
That experience broadened my perspective on fashion.
So, I’d like to take this moment to say, “Thank you, my friend.”
Now, what kinds of outfits am I currently into?
Well, it depends on the day. My mood dictates what I feel like wearing, so I don’t usually prepare outfits in advance.
When I buy new clothes, I tend to wear them the very next day.
Lately, though, I haven’t been shopping much, so I’ve been enjoying experimenting with new combinations using the clothes I already have.

For example, since it’s winter, I find myself wearing leather quite often.
Leather comes in various styles, from long coats to cropped jackets, and in many different colors, so it’s incredibly fun to play around with.
Even when riding a motorcycle in the winter, leather is a fantastic way to enjoy fashion while riding.

For those who follow my Instagram stories, you may have seen this… navy? Blue-toned leather jacket.
I like it. Yes.
Next, let me talk about what inspires my fashion choices.
Sometimes, it’s people whose style I admire, but it can also be objects, artwork, or even buildings.
For example, I have a SpongeBob plushie at home, and its yellow body and blue-and-white eyes could inspire a cute outfit.
Even restaurants have fascinating color schemes! If you find fashion challenging but want to have fun with it, try looking at the colors around you as you walk through town. Haha
You’ll start imagining all sorts of combinations!
If I were to launch my own brand in the future, I’d like it to be based on a concept of clothing that I love and that everyone can wear comfortably.
Of course, I’d also occasionally throw in some bold, quirky items… haha
I’d differentiate between products I create for the brand and fan goods, with the latter being more collaborative, incorporating ideas from my fans.

What does fashion mean to me?
In short: “Identity” + “Endurance”.
Fashion as identity means that certain items—like a signature bandana or a pair of glasses—can represent a person.
Finding or creating items that express who I am is incredibly enjoyable and fulfilling.
I love so many different items that, depending on which friend I’m shopping with, their picks for me can vary wildly. I find that amusing!
And endurance, that’s about perseverance. Fashion is about perseverance. It’s also sometimes about self satisfaction. Haha.
For example, I’d wear a hoodie over a T-shirt on a blazing hot day just because I really want to wear that hoodie.

I’d have to endure through the heat. Haha. When I prioritize what I want to wear before the temperature, perseverance in fashion is needed.
On the flip side, in the middle of winter, I might prioritize easy movement and go out wearing something very minimal.

So, when asked what fashion means to me, I’d say identity and endurance.
Feel free to disagree!
To wrap up this second installment, I want to share two songs that represent “fashion” to me. The outfits in their music videos are totally my style, so I highly recommend checking them out.
Going forward, I’ll continue enjoying fashion freely and without constraints.
Since we all wear clothes every day, why not have fun with it? ^^
Thank you for reading to the end of this second installment.
Stay tuned for the third!