
国内はもちろん、そのフィールドを海外へと広げて活躍するソロアーティスト・MASHIHO。これまで楽曲やステージ上のパフォーマンスを通じて、その魅力をお届けしてきた彼の“頭の中”をのぞく新連載「MASHIHOの“What’s in my head?”」がスタート!
The English translation is provided after the Japanese text.
“What’s in my head?”ということでさっそく第1回目なのですが、まずは自分を知っていらっしゃる方には再確認、そして自分をまだ知らない方にはぜひこれを機会に知っていただけるように、生い立ちなどを深く深く語っていけたらと思います。
6月にリリースした初シングルは「Just the 2 of us」という曲。誰でも親しめて耳に残る、アガるポップスとなっております。
7月の2nd「Dance with me」は、Chillい雰囲気もありつつ盛り上がる部分もあるとても聴きやすいR&Bとなっております。
8月の3rd「Be mine」はさらにしっとりとしていて、超ディープな染みる曲となっております。
それではさっそく、故郷について綴っていきます。三重県といえばみなさん何を思い浮かべますか? 食べ物でいえば松阪牛、伊勢海老あたりでしょうか。場所でしたらやはり伊勢神宮じゃないでしょうか。




親の影響もありイエモン(THE YELLOW MONKEY)や、ブルーハーツ(THE BLUE HEARTS)をよく聴いていたのですが、今となってはとてもいい糧になっております。そのあとK-POPを知り、だんだんと洋楽も聴くようになったので、昔の有名なJ-POPをあまり知らなかったんです。最近になってJ-POPもたくさん聴き、あのとき流れていた曲だ、とかいろいろな発見ができました。
今月の一曲:The Weeknd「True Colors」
ここで連載の始まりにふさわしい、大好きな曲を紹介いたします。The Weekndの「True Colors」という曲です。とてもセクシーで、でもどこか儚い最高な曲なのでぜひ聴いてください。
About “MASHIHO’s ‘What’s in My Head?'”
MASHIHO, a solo artist who is active not only in Japan but also expanding his activities overseas. This new series, “MASHIHO’s ‘What’s in My Head?'”, gives us a glimpse into his personal life and thoughts behind his captivating music and performances on stage.
In the first installment, MASHIHO writes about his memories of his hometown in Mie Prefecture, which is the foundation of his career today, as well as stories about his family.
MASHIHO’s memories of his hometown
What’s in my head?
So, here we are at the first edition! First, for those who already know me, this is a chance to reestablish our connection. And for those who don’t yet know me, I hope this will be an opportunity for you to learn more about me as I dive deep into my background and story.
To introduce myself: my name is Mashiho Takata , born in March 2001 in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture, and I’m 23 years old. Since June of this year, I’ve been working as a solo artist, expressing my style across various genres.
In June, I released my debut single, “Just the 2 of Us”, a feel-good pop track that’s catchy and uplifting for anyone to enjoy.
In July, I followed up with “Dance with Me”, an R&B tune with a chill vibe but also some exciting moments.
In August, I released “Be Mine”, a deep yet soft song that seeps into your chest.
Please give them a listen!
So, when you think of Mie Prefecture, what comes to mind?
For food, perhaps Matsusaka beef or Ise lobster?
For places, surely the Ise Grand Shrine?
But, funnily enough, I’ve never been to the Ise Grand Shrine myself. I guess I’m one of those locals who doesn’t visit tourist attractions in their own area. That’s a bit of a cliché, isn’t it? Someday, I really want to go—seriously.
As a kid, I didn’t travel far very often and mostly just played in the neighborhood. But I don’t have many memories of playing because I started dancing at age five. When I entered elementary school, and later junior high, I was busy with club activities and lessons. By high school, I had moved to Tokyo, so my childhood was filled with extracurricular activities.
In junior high, I was in the basketball club. I’ve loved ball sports since I was little and think I’m pretty good at most of them.

My fondest memories from my hometown are the times I spent with my family.
My mom and I would go on drives or cook together.
With my dad, I often went golfing, touring on bikes, or fishing.

I’ve loved vehicles since I was young. I earned my driver’s license with a manual transmission, and I got my large motorcycle license in one try as well.
When I go fishing, I often prepare and eat the fish I catch, so I can also handle cleaning and filleting fish.
Looking back, I realize how grateful I am to my parents for encouraging me to explore so many hobbies. Thanks to them, I’ve become an all-rounder MASHIHO. Thank you, Mom and Dad.
As an only child, I’m still grateful when I go back home and my family spends time with me. Speaking of family, there’s one more member—or rather, one more little one: our toy poodle, Kotetsu.

Kotetsu will turn 10 next year, and he’s just so adorable. Every time I go back home, he heals my soul. Since we don’t see each other often, I sometimes wonder if he’ll forget me, but he’s so smart and always remembers me. Such a sweet boy. I always make sure to show him lots of love when we meet.

Every time I go back, I’m reminded of how great the countryside is. The air is clean, the stars shine brightly, and it’s just so relaxing.
Mie Prefecture is close to both the sea and the mountains, so you can enjoy both.
If I were to recommend a spot, it’d be the Kumano Fireworks Festival. Though I haven’t been there myself and have only seen videos, the fireworks are absolutely stunning. People say the fireworks fill your entire field of vision. It’s super crowded, but if you’re feeling brave, you should go.
When it comes to nature, I think the southern areas of Mie have clearer seas and more unspoiled scenery compared to the northern parts. I often used to drive two or three hours with my dad to go fishing down there.
If you’re ever looking for a peaceful getaway, please visit Mie Prefecture.
Now, about music: as a child, I frequently listened to J-rock. My parents influenced me, and I listened to bands like THE YELLOW MONKEY and THE BLUE HEARTS. These influences have been valuable inspiration for me.
Later, I discovered K-pop and gradually got into Western music as well. Because of that, I didn’t know much about famous J-pop songs from back then. Recently, I’ve been listening to a lot of J-pop and having moments of discovery, like “Oh, that’s the song that was playing back then,”
I’ve also been exploring classical genres like jazz recently, which has been expanding my musical horizons. I genuinely enjoy embracing various genres and can’t choose just one—I love them all. Music is a lifelong friend to me.
From now on, I’ll keep challenging myself with different genres and creating songs that fully express who I am in each one. I hope you all find your own life song, your soundtrack for life.
As a parting note for this first entry, let me share one of my favorite songs: “True Colors” by The Weeknd. It’s sexy, yet somewhat ephemeral—a masterpiece. Please give it a listen.
That’s it for the first edition. Thank you so much for reading.
See you next month. This was MASHIHO!